Diminishing objects - before/after
/f/91122/792x536/b720a03cc8/before_after2.png 750w, //img2.storyblok.com/1400x0/filters:no_upscale()/f/91122/792x536/b720a03cc8/before_after2.png 1400w, //img2.storyblok.com/2100x0/filters:no_upscale()/f/91122/792x536/b720a03cc8/before_after2.png 2100w, //img2.storyblok.com/2800x0/filters:no_upscale()/f/91122/792x536/b720a03cc8/before_after2.png 2800w)
9 December, 2021
Imagine being able to remove that bulky closet from the wall or to delete an entire bed from the room and make space for something new! It would be awesome if we could change the real world to our desire and get rid of things we do not like. Actually, we do that in ATLANTIS, and it is called Diminished Reality.
Read more about how it works on our info tube channel: https://atlantis-ar.github.io/infotube/DR_powerful_tool.html